Sandra Bertran Melines, MSc

Senior Statistician

Alexandra Bertran
Practice Area
Office Location
Barcelona, Spain

MSc, Satistics and Operational Research
University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

BS, Mathematics
Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Sandra Bertran, MSc, is a Senior Biostatistician in the Biostatistics group with RTI-HS. Ms. Bertran has around 8 years of experience working as a statistician for research foundations and clinical research organizations. Before joining RTI-HS, she worked at a clinical research organization as a statistician in clinical trials and observational studies, managing all statistical aspects for the design and analysis. She also worked as a statistician in a research foundation, managing statistical analysis in the field of pneumology. Some of her former positions include working as an Associate Professor at the University of Lleida, where she taught statistics to medical and nutritional students. Ms. Bertran has worked on clinical trials developing expertise in Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) (i.e., study data tabulation model [SDTM], analysis data model [ADaM], define.xml). Additionally, she is experienced in univariate and multivariable models (i.e., lineal, logistic, poisson, negative binomial, survival analysis) and multiple imputation. Regarding statistical software, she is skilled in SAS programming (i.e., MACROS, ODS) and R. 

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