Jarrod Bullard, PhD

Senior Research Data Scientist

headshot of Jarrod Bullard
Practice Area
Office Location
Telecommuter - USA

PhD, Health Services Policy and Management
University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

MPA, Public Administration
BS, Biology
University of North Carolina at Pembroke, Pembroke, NC

Jarrod Bullard, PhD, is a Senior Research Data Scientist in the Health Economics group with RTI-HS. Dr. Bullard conducts database studies for pharmaceutical companies and other private sector clients and has extensive experience in both experimental and observational research study design, employing various rigorous statistical methodologies best suited for analytic and evaluative purposes and developing and validating predictive models. His most recent experience includes studying the patient profiles of Medicare beneficiaries attributed to internists and quantifying the quality of care delivered by internists compared with their physician and nonphysician counterparts, building risk stratified mortality predictive models, evaluating home-based advanced care programs for patients with advanced illness, designing studies to determine impact and quality of care among patients at end of life, and designing and executing randomized controlled trials to determine the impact of a care management initiative on high inpatient utilizers for a large United States healthcare provider. In his current role at RTI, Dr. Bullard serves as the Associate Project Director of the RTI RarityTM project, working extensively with social determinants of health data and applying them to social risk stratification and population health and health equity initiatives in the private sector of healthcare. Dr. Bullard is also an adjunct faculty instructor with the Gillings School of Global Public Health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

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