Grant Stafford, MPH

Research Epidemiologist

headshot of Grant Stafford
Office Location
Barcelona, Spain

MPH, Public Health
Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain

BSc, Business
Miami University Farmers School of Business, Oxford, OH

Grant Stafford, MPH, is a Research Epidemiologist at RTI-HS. As a graduate student, Mr. Stafford co-led a research project at IDIAP Jordi Gol focusing on multimorbidity and polypharmacy of the elderly Catalan population in Catalonia, Spain, acquiring experience in programming and statistical analysis for real-world data. Findings for the research project were ultimately published in an international peer-reviewed journal, with Mr. Stafford as first author. After graduating from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Mr. Stafford was involved in multiple consulting engagements regarding pharmacotherapies and devices for diabetes and related cardiorenal comorbidities. In his current position at RTI-HS, Mr. Stafford coordinates and manages study implementation; site and patient recruitment; investigator training; and data collection, management, and quality control. 

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