Abenah Harding, MPH

Senior Research Epidemiologist

Office Location
Headquarters - Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA

MPH, Maternal & Child Health
BA, Sociology
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC

Abenah Harding, MPH, is a Senior Research Epidemiologist within the Pharmacoepidemiology and Risk Management group of RTI-HS. Ms. Harding has expert project management, data management, and data analysis skills. She has over 15 years of research experience focusing on data management and epidemiological research. Ms. Harding has experience managing numerous types of data, such as survey, vital statistics, and biochemical data. Her data management skills encompass all stages of the data management process from receipting of completed survey forms to analysis of the final analytical data file. Ms. Harding has experience with a variety of research areas, including maternal, perinatal, and child health; Native American health; occupational health; cardiovascular disease; chronic constipation; ADHD; cancer; and asthma.

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