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Harris D, Casso D, Midkiff K, Anderson A, Gilsenan A, Oliveria A, Andrews E, Kellier-Steele N. Methods, results, and lessons learned from two postmarketing drug safety surveillance studies linking state cancer registry data to large pharmacy databases. Presented at the 2019 NAACCR / IACR Combined Annual Conference; June 11, 2019. Vancouver, Canada.
Johannes CB, McQuay LJ, Midkiff KD, Calingaert B, Andrews EB, Tennis P, Brown JS, Camargo, Jr CA, DiSantostefano R, Rothman KJ, Sturmer T, Lanes S, Davis KJ. The feasibility of using multiple databases to study rare outcomes: the potential effect of long-acting beta agonists with inhaled corticosteroid therapy on asthma mortality. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2017 Apr;26(4):446-58. doi: 10.1002/pds.4151