White MV, Goss D, Hollis K, Millar K, Silvia S, Siegel P, Bennett ME, Wolf RA, Wooddell M, Hogue S. EpiPen4Schools® survey: characteristics of anaphylaxis and common triggers. Poster presented at the 2015 AAAAI Annual Meeting; February 15, 2015. Houston, TX. [abstract] J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015 Feb; 135(Suppl 2):AB212.

RATIONALE: The purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics of anaphylactic events and EAI use in children and adults in US schools.

METHODS: This exploratory, cross-sectional, web-based survey of schools participating in the EpiPen4Schools program captured characteristics of anaphylactic events and EAI use during the 2013-2014 school year.

A total of 5683 schools responded to questions on the occurrence of anaphylactic events. A total of 919 anaphylactic events were reported by 11% of schools (607/5683). Most schools (89%, n55076) reported no anaphylactic events, and 10% (n5543) reported 1 to 2 anaphylactic events. Most anaphylactic events occurred in students, 89% (n5757), 22% (n5187) of which occurred in those with no known allergies. In 9% (n575), allergy status was unknown. Of the 919 events, triggers were reported for 847 events (92%); most triggers, 62% (n5529), were listed as food, 10% (n581) were listed as insect stings, 7% (n556) as environmental/medication/health-related factors, and 1% (n59) as latex. Approximately 20% of events (n5172) had an unknown trigger. Although food allergy triggers were predominant throughout the year, prevalence of certain triggers varied seasonally. Insect stings were relatively less frequent during winter, 4% (n55/143), vs fall, 13% (n531/243), and spring, 10% (n526/268) months, whereas unknown triggers reached a high of nearly 27% (n571/268) during spring.

CONCLUSIONS: More than 1 in 10 schools reported an anaphylactic event in a single school year, many of which were associated with unknown triggers. These data indicate the unpredictable nature of anaphylaxis and the importance of anaphylaxis training for staff.

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