Get the Most Out of Your Registry Data

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Registries are powerful tools for understanding the natural history and risk factors of a disease, for providing an opportunity to observe treatments in clinical practice, and for adding to real-world evidence of effectiveness and safety. RTI Health Solutions has extensive experience working with registry data. In this case study, we performed exploratory analyses that provided novel insights and helped our client demonstrate their leading position in the treatment and research of the disease.

Analysis and Programming Support

Our experts were called on to provide exploratory analysis and programming support for multiple research topics. Our statisticians developed analysis plans to address research questions with appropriate methods to accommodate the nuances of real-world data. For example, comparative analyses had to account for possible confounders because treatments were not balanced in observational studies. In addition, survival analyses had to be carefully considered to account for differential timing of treatment and immortal survival bias. 


Our analyses of the registry data allowed our client to understand outcomes following first- and second-line therapy, identified or validated prognostic risk factors, described treatment patterns, identified relationships between baseline factors and treatment choice, and showed treatment effectiveness in real-world settings. In addition to providing the basis for multiple publications and presentations, these findings contribute valuable evidence to guide our client’s ongoing product development. 

Reach out to us to explore how a collaboration conducted with expertise, transparency, and diligence with an experienced exploratory analysis team can help you to mine valuable insights from your data.