David Newton, MA

Director, Project Management

Office Location
Headquarters - Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA

MA, English
BA, English
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

Project Management Professional (PMP)
Project Management Institute, Newtown Square, PA

David Newton, MA, is the Associate Director of Project Management (PM) for RTI Health Solutions (RTI-HS). In this role, he supports effective project delivery through training, project review, and process improvement. He also provides mentorship to project teams and project management for troubled projects, strategic projects, and/or difficult projects. He has demonstrated strength as a problem solver and team builder.

Mr. Newton has 15 years of PM and proposal management experience at RTI. He has managed RTI projects delivered to commercial pharmaceutical clients, the Department of Defense, the University of North Carolina System, and additional federal and state agencies. Mr. Newton's projects are on time, on budget, and meet requirements. The work has included recruiting sites for patient surveys, helping build consortiums for technology development, analyzing military health and benefits programs, building teams to provide onsite support for government programs, and managing population-based health research projects. On these projects, he served as a client point of contact and a key author for deliverables. Mr. Newton also hired, managed, and helped develop the team that currently supports the Department of Defense HIV/AIDS Prevention Program.

Mr. Newton was initially a proposal manager and writer at RTI, coming from a background of business communication and scientific writing. Prior to RTI, he led regulatory submissions at Glaxo Wellcome (now GlaxoSmithKline) and was a technical writer. He is adept at outlining and drafting proposals, reports, training seminars, and presentations. Mr. Newton is certified by the Project Management Institute (PMI) as a Project Management Professional (PMP) and has been guest speaker at chapter meetings.

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