Zhang Y, Johnson K, Yu Z, Fujimoto A, Lich KH, Ivy JS, Keskinocak P, Mayorga M, Swann J. The impact of interventions on COVID-19 transmission in K12 schools in fall 2021. Presented at the 2021 INFORMS Annual Meeting; October 24, 2021. Anaheim, CA.

The study analyzes the potential impact of COVID-19 transmission within K12 schools as students return to in-person learning in the fall, as well as the possible interventions that can be applied to mitigate such impact. We develop a deterministic SIR model to estimate the infections under different intervention scenarios such as mask-wearing and randomized testing. We find that maskwearing and regular testing can greatly reduce new infections among students. We test the sensitivity of these results to different parameters, such as the level of incoming protection among students.

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