Frisancho AR, Juliao PC, Barcelona V, Kudyba CE, Amayo G, Davenport G, Knowles A, Sanchez D, Villena M, Vargas E, Soria R. Developmental components of resting ventilation among high- and low-altitude Andean children and adults. Am J Phys Anthropol. 1999 Jul;109(3):295-301. doi: 3.0.CO;2-U">10.1002/(SICI)1096-8644(199907)109:3<295::AID-AJPA2>3.0.CO;2-U

This paper evaluates the age-associated changes of resting ventilation of 115 high- and low-altitude Aymara subjects, of whom 61 were from the rural Aymara village of Ventilla situated at an average altitude of 4,200 m and 54 from the rural village of Caranavi situated at an average altitude of 900 m. Comparison of the age patterns of resting ventilation suggests the following conclusions: 1) the resting ventilation (ml/kg/min) of high-altitude natives is markedly higher than that of low-altitude natives; 2) the age decline of ventilation is similar in both lowlanders and highlanders, but the starting point and therefore the age decline are much higher at high altitude; 3) the resting ventilation that characterizes high-altitude Andean natives is developmentally expressed in the same manner as it is at low altitude; and 4) the resting ventilation (ml/kg/min) of Aymara high-altitude natives is between 40-80% lower than that of Tibetans.

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