Jaume Aguado

Excellent Working Atmosphere

Jaume Aguado
Jaume (right) posing with colleagues in front of their ribbon-winning poster at a conference.

First of all, the working atmosphere is excellent. And I mean at a personal and professional level. I am comfortable being myself with my colleagues and management. That’s because I feel that the company really cares about me. Here we are listened to and cared for.

There’s a lot of flexibility with the working hours. If I get to the office late one morning because of a doctor’s appointment, I don’t worry that anyone will be suspicious of me. They know I will work longer hours another day to compensate. 

The flexibility in work hours allows me to take care of my son when he is with me: I can make my work schedule compatible with his school hours. In some jobs, getting this kind of flexibility would require a lot of explaining and asking for permission. I feel trusted and respected by RTI Health Solutions. 

Besides that, the company helps me identify professional development goals and encourages to move towards them. One of my goals is to keep learning about statistics. I am achieving that by being given opportunities to attend congresses and courses.

For me, all this means that I work happily, feeling that I am valued. I want to give back to the company as much as I can. It’s a very special place to be.